Nigel’s performance Monitor for Linux (nmon)


Linux has many available tools that simply just work. That’s why I prefer it over other operating systems. I can get things done, usually faster and much simpler from a command line in a terminal, or multiple terminals.

Windows has useful and powerful shells, and I use them when I need to work on that OS, but I prefer to work in bash. I make use of simple, but elegant installation applications, most notably Apt and PacMan – depending on which of my two preferred distros I have installed. I can install simple, but powerful tools to pull out information about my system’s operation and performance.


One of my goto tools is nmon. (Nigel’s performance Monitor for Linux) – originally used by IBM and released as open-source in 2009.

I wouldn’t categorize “nmon” as old school, but it sure has that vibe going on. Anything I can run in a terminal from a command line to see what is not always obvious is useful. The ability to export the data it gathers as .csv to use in a graph or for use in analyses applications is sometimes overlooked by casual users – but it’s available.

I don’t use the export function, but I expect that it might be beneficial in some situations. I mostly use nmon in the “Interactive mode” Just a quick glance at some of the output screens presents you with a lot of useful performance information.


From NMON (nmon -h) Hints:

For Data-Collect-Mode

-f            Must be the first option on the line (switches off interactive mode)

Saves data to a CSV Spreadsheet format .nmon file in the local directory

Note: -f sets a default -s300 -c288    which you can then modify

Further Data Collection Options:

-s <seconds>  time between data snapshots

-c <count>    of snapshots before exiting

-t            Includes Top Processes stats (-T also collects command arguments)

-x            Capacity Planning=15 min snapshots for 1 day. (nmon -ft -s 900 -c 96)


Although you can gather and present much data quickly,

don’t just glance at the data – really look at what it’s telling you, and if you don’t understand what you’re looking at – then look it up and find out what you may be missing.



— Toggles on/off to control what is displayed —

b   = Black and white mode (or use -b command line option)

c   = CPU Utilization stats with bar graphs (CPU core threads)

C   = CPU Utilization as above but concise wide view (up to 192 CPUs)

d   = Disk I/O Busy% & Graphs of Read and Write KB/s

D   = Disk I/O Numbers including Transfers, Average Block Size & Peaks (type: 0 to reset)

g   = User Defined Disk Groups            (assumes -g <file> when starting nmon)

G   = Change Disk stats (d) to just disks (assumes -g auto   when starting nmon)

h   = This help information

j   = File Systems including Journal File Systems

J   =  Reduces “j” output by removing unreal File Systems

k   = Kernel stats Run Queue, context-switch, fork, Load Average & Uptime

l   = Long term Total CPU (over 75 snapshots) via bar graphs

L   = Large and =Huge memory page stats

m   = Memory & Swap stats

M   = MHz for machines with variable frequency 1st=Threads 2nd=Cores 3=Graphs

n   = Network stats & errors (if no errors it disappears)

N   = NFS – Network File System

     1st NFS V2 & V3, 2nd=NFS4-Client & 3rd=NFS4-Server

o   = Disk I/O Map (one character per disk pixels showing how busy it is)

     Particularly good if you have 100’s of disks

q   = Quit

r   = Resources: Machine type, name, cache details & OS version & Distro + LPAR

t   = Top Processes: select the data & order 1=Basic, 3=Perf 4=Size 5=I/O=root only

u   = Top Process with command line details

U   = CPU utilization stats – all 10 Linux stats:

     user, user_nice, system, idle, iowait, irq, softirq, steal, guest, guest_nice

v   = Experimental Verbose mode – tries to make recommendations

V   = Virtual Memory stats


Nigel’s performance Monitor for Linux (nmon) 1

I find the info useful and sometimes will set up multiple terminals using Terminator.

Nigel’s performance Monitor for Linux (nmon) 2

You may find NMON useful, and a good tool to see what’s going on behind the scenes on your LINUX system.

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